Citizen Schools

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Aamon Pitts teaches NJ apprentices how to reduce their carbon footprint

rutgers 4 h 2Believe it or not, reducing your carbon footprint is pretty easy to do. New Jersey Citizen Teacher and Climate Change Educator at Rutgers, Aamon Pitts will tell you one way you can to do so is to plant a rain garden.  Students in Aamon’s Jersey Roots apprenticeship have been working together planting a garden in their community garden space next to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School.  Apprentices were challenged to decide what type of plants were suitable for New Jersey’s climate, and then had to create a blue print of plants based on their needs and how they survive certain natural elements.   Other activities have included hands-on science experiments dissecting fish and using them to test the effect of fresh water and rain water PH levels on living organisms.  (Aamon featured with student, bottom right.)

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