Citizen Schools

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Forbes: Solving The Other Jobs Crisis: Creating an Innovation Culture

Forbes Solving The Other Jobs Crisis: Creating an Innovation Culture

November 5, 2012

Citizen Schools was highlighted is this piece by Francisco D'Souza, the CEO of Cognizant, as an organization that is focused on getting students engaged in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities by connecting them with corporate volunteers during a longer school day. The article calls for the importance of getting involved to help develop the next generation into an internationally competitive STEM workers. The STEM industries are growing rapidly and an inadequate number of individuals are ready to meet the demand.

Cognizant became a National Leadership Partner with the organization in July of 2011 and hundreds of volunteers have donated their time to work with students in classrooms across the country. Volunteers have worked on a vast array of apprenticeships including solar cars, Techno Swag, documentary filming, and more. Citizen Schools recently launched an initiative, Catalyst, to help inspire students to become passionate about science, technology, and innovation through hands-on projects and connections to professionals in the field.