Citizen Schools

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VIDEO: What Did You Learn In The Teaching Fellowship? After getting her Master's in social work, Adriana Hernandez wanted to explore education reform and policy from within the classroom.

"I wanted to see an organization that worked in education reform, that was a successful organization that could serve as a model, and help me build a foundation for what I want to do when I grow up," she says. "I really want to be a consultant or researcher, an analyst on education policy."

The experience of being a Teaching Fellow at Dever-McCormack School in Boston has opened her eyes.

"It was great to get that opportunity to teach and to learn all the strategies behind teaching. I didn’t realize my teachers had plans when they were coming into to teach me when I was younger!"

The challenge has been daunting, but service has always been a core part of what she wanted from the experience. "We are in AmeriCorps, so we go above and beyond. We work a lot of hours. I’ve grown so much. I feel like whatever job I do next is going to be a piece of cake compared to what I did at Citizens Schools. To go that far in a year and a half is just awesome."

Teach, serve, and grow with Adriana for the next two years–you’ll make a lifetime of difference.

Apply now!