Scholarships are a great way to pay for college without the obligation to repay funds. Maximizing scholarship potential can be especially useful for Latino students, who on average received less in institutional grants than their white counterparts in 2016, according to a statistical brief from UnidosUS.
For students attending historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), scholarships, internships, and fellowships can make higher education more affordable. HBCU scholarships and grants can supplement federal financial aid to help students fund their degrees and, ultimately, launch their careers.
Since there is no telling how long COVID-19 will shape school closures moving forward, now is a great time to help prepare your student for a different learning environment. One of the first steps is creating an online school setup. Doing so allows your child to adapt quickly to a new learning schedule and environment.
Thanks to the Digital Age, you don’t even need to leave your house to experience a whole world of excitement and adventure. No matter your hobbies or interests, there’s something for you to enjoy with today’s virtual field trips and activities.
Most of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) coverage has been on how it has affected the elderly. However, children can also suffer from the virus. According to the CDC, at least three children have died from the coronavirus. It is important to remember that it is rare for children to display symptoms or have adverse outcomes from coronavirus.
With many schools across the U.S. closing their doors, students and families, who have been affected by the pandemic, struggle to continue their education from home. Our initiative, CovEducation, aims to promote greater access to web-based curricula and academic support for K-12 students, facilitating the transition to virtual learning for students with limited access to resources.
Welcome to All Digital School, an online education resource platform that curates lesson plans, materials, and educational tech with the sole goal of helping educators and parents create better learning experiences for students.
Although campuses are likely to reopen in the fall, the school day may unfold in starkly different ways, California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Tuesday, suggesting staggered start times, “reconfigured” classrooms that allow for social distancing and some continuance of online learning.
DreamBox is a K-8 online math program that supplements core instruction in the classroom or at home and is proven to increase math growth. DreamBox dynamically adapts to the learner, providing personalized instruction. Our lessons are available in English and Spanish, and are aligned to all state standards.
Reading comprehension instruction that works. FREE content, curriculum, and tools to power teaching and learning from Kindergarten to 12th Grade.
GoNoodle® gets kids up and moving to fun, engaging content and games. Every dance party, yoga session, mindfulness activity, and game session is an opportunity for kids to wake up their bodies, engage their minds, and be their best.
Outschool classes can be used to fill in gaps where school districts are unable to provide full-time remote schooling. Outschool teachers are background checked and classes are vetted to ensure they are safe, age-appropriate, objective and secular.
Coding is the new literacy! With ScratchJr, young children (ages 5-7) can program their own interactive stories and games. In the process, they learn to solve problems, design projects, and express themselves creatively on the computer.
Live and on demand interactive classes. For ages 18mo-6yrs. Free during COVID-19.
Mystery Science is the creator of the most popular science lessons in U.S. schools. We’ve curated this starter set of science lessons that you can use remotely or share with families.
Bamboo Learning offers FREE Alexa skills that focus on fun, home-based, family-friendly learning, and are available on all Alexa devices. Additionally, you can register on Bamboo Grove ( – a web application that will enable you to follow your child’s progress and review their work in Bamboo Learning Alexa skills.
Math Games offers online games and printable worksheets to make learning math fun. Kids from pre-K to 8th grade can practice math skills recommended by the Common Core State Standards in exciting game formats. Never associated learning algebra with rescuing animals or destroying zombies? Time to think again!
We know there’s a lot on your minds—from health and safety to child care and jobs. These are exceptionally challenging times as we close schools to stop the spread of COVID-19, and we want to do everything we can to support you.
Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing.
As RULER school communities adapt to changes influenced by the COVID-19 outbreak, the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence is committed to helping all leaders, educators, students, and families in their effort to build and sustain positive emotional climates.
Drawing from the Make For All community of commitment makers, partners, and supporters, we’re highlighting a set of inspiring resources that can help educators, families, and students bring maker-centered learning home. Access to these activities and ideas are free and the projects, which focus on K-12 students, are accessible because they mostly use materials and supplies that can be found around the house.
Supporting your Children’s Social, Emotional, and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic