Citizen Schools Visits Capitol Hill
Recently, the Citizen Schools leadership team, including Executive Directors from each of our seven regions, took to Capitol Hill to meet with Members of Congress from across the country and share stories and results from local partnerships with middle schools. The team also met with representatives from the U.S. Department of Education. They asked legislators to support greater opportunities for more children to have access to high-quality afterschool and expanded learning time programs.
Specifically, Citizen Schools asked for support of the Time for Innovation Matters in Education Act, which would provide federal assistance for schools to lengthen the school day. The visit was the first of what will become an annual event for the leadership team and complements our ongoing policy efforts advocating for quality education opportunities for children.
Two sixth grade twins, Josephine and Joseph Arewa, from the Citizen Schools program in Newark, New Jersey joined the Citizen Schools team along with their father. Josephine and Joseph spoke eloquently about their Citizen Schools experience at a reception attended by a large group of influencers interested in education reform. They also had the opportunity to share their story during a meeting with their representative, U.S. Congressman Donald Payne of New Jersey.