Teaching Bullies a Lesson
For ten weeks, students from the Edison Middle School traveled to Almighty, a Boston advertising firm to learn what it takes to sell a product or promote an idea.
After exploring various media, advertising strategies, taglines, branding, and logos, students chose to create a public service announcement addressing the topic of bullying. Apprentices identified their target audience as their peers and the best way to reach them was through a PSA on TV. Their solution to bullying: a bully just needs a hug.
“Hugs for Thugs” became the official tagline. Students worked together to write the script, reviewed it with their Creative Directors (CTs), rehearsed their lines, and shot the footage for their PSA. In addition to their anti-bullying campaign, students designed an anti-bullying logo with their tagline “Hugs for Thugs” to place on t-shirts to wear at school and send the message to their peers.