MA WOW! 2020 Home
Building a Nation
Community Art club
Crime Scene Investigation
DesignWorks Club
Escape Room Club
Fantasy and Sci-Fi
Health and Wellness
Investigative reporting
Lego Robotics
Makers Challenge
Nerd DIY
Pencil Code
Secrets of a Millionaire
Smart Money
Time to Invent
Virtual Book Club
Youth-Led Journalism
Teaching Fellow: Carina (ESCS)
Students investigated, discussed, and created public art. They explored existing public art in the neighborhood and worked on art projects to foster creativity and positive design thinking. The photos show projects where they decorated flower pots, made their own unique pet rocks to take home, and collaborated on a positive messaging chalk project outside of the school.
Carlos and Jessica plant chrysanthemum seeds in the pots that they just decorated.
Loris draws a heart outside of ESCS to spread love
Alison and Delilah create a collaborative mural with positive thinking messages.
Jessica, Maya, Carlos, Loris, and Alison show off their pet rocks